
Welcome to the Library! Here you can read about Ella’s Author Journey, learn more about The Lavender Dawn, and more!

  • My Crazy Writing Adventure

    Hi friends! Some of you have been asking about the second book for The Lavender Dawn Saga. What if I told you I got to finish rewriting it in one week in January…and that I wrote 40 thousand words in a week…and that alongside 2 thousand other young writers, we collectively wrote 13 million words…in…

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  • Year’s Reflection

    “The trees will be a rainbow of red, brown, and gold,For the year was once young and now it is old.Soon the poor trees will be empty and bare,The teens will gather round fires with memories to share. Of cheery spring days, full of Easter and flowersThen of summer, when play lasted hours and hours,And…

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  • I Have a Proof Copy…Now What?

    If you read this post on ordering a proof copy, you’ll know I recently got my copy of The Hidden Haven. The question is: What do I do with my proof copy? I’m going to give you a rundown of what I like to do with my proof copies: Read it multiple times I like…

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  • The “Lemon” in my Launch

    When life gives you lemons…make lemonade. I’ve seen this saying on countless tea towels, stickers, signs, posters, clothes, and advertisements. Sometimes life likes to chuck lemons at us. Your best friend isn’t able to make it to your party. It rains on the day of your youth group firepit night. Your deadline is closer than…

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  • A Talk with the Designer

    Some of you may know of my first novella, Tales from Bethlehem. This little story was a project for Christmas in 2023. I remember opening Canva, starting a template draft of a book cover and then staring at the blank page. Well, here goes nothing. With several unsuccessful attempts, I gave up on designing the…

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  • ISBNs, Covers, and Proof Copies

    Phew! I didn’t realize there was so much work that goes into getting a proof copy ordered! A week ago, I made an account for myself on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. I created a new manuscript and began filling out the details. Some of the questions were easy. For example: cream paper or white? Hardcover…

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Our Latest Comments

  1. That is absolutely incredible how many words you were able to write in only one week! I too participated in…

  2. Aw, I love this update, Ella!! What an exciting year for you! Can’t wait to see what happens on 2025.…

  3. That’s SO frustrating, Ella!!! But I’m so thankful that everything else went smoothly for you! I CANNOT wait to read…